National Center for Montessori and Aging (NCMA)
Bridging Generations through Montessori
On July 23rd, Crossway Communities hosted the FREE Dementia Education Conference led by the nationally recognized dementia expert, Dr. Tam Cummings. The event, in partnership with Arden Courts and the Positive Aging Community, was a significant success, drawing a large number of participants eager to deepen their understanding of dementia care.
Key Highlights:
Understanding Dementia: Dr. Cummings provided an in-depth look at dementia as a brain disease.
Nine Common Dementias: Attendees gained insights into the various types of dementia.
Effective Communication: Practical advice on communicating effectively with individuals living with dementia was shared.
Behavioral Changes: Strategies for interpreting and managing behavioral changes were discussed.
Navigating Guilt and Grief: The emotional challenges of dementia care were addressed, offering support to caregivers.
Special Feature:
Participants toured the Dementia Learning Lab, which showcased how to create a Montessori-prepared environment to support aging in place at home. The lab provided hands-on examples and strategies to enhance the quality of life for both caregivers and those living with Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementias.
Through this conference, NCMA demonstrated its commitment to improving the lives of caregivers and individuals with dementia by providing valuable education, support, and a sense of community.
Thank you to everyone who attended and contributed to the success of this enriching event.
National Center for Montessori and Aging (NCMA)
The NCMA is a program of Crossway Community and an integral part of our Montessori Forest School and intergenerational community of 40 diverse residences. We specialize in certification programs for professional and family caregivers that incorporate Montessori principles proven to enhance the quality of life. We offer an interactive experience in our innovative Dementia Learning Lab that demonstrates Montessori design principles that promote independence, autonomy and psychosocial well-being.
Our courses are evidence-based and apply Montessori care principles across the lifespan. We draw upon the latest science in neurobiology, including the groundbreaking work of Dr. Richard Davidson of the University of Wisconsin on the neural bases for well-being. We also integrate the interpersonal biology approaches of Dr. Daniel Siegel of the UCLA School of Medicine and the Mindful Awareness Research Center. This approach complements the psychosocial principles of the Pioneer Network and Alzheimer's Disease Resource Center to advance relationship-based, person-centered care for quality of life.
Crossway Communities receives grant to support our National Center for Montessori and Aging (NCMA)
Crossway Communities' 'National Center for Montessori and Aging (NCMA)' is proud to be the recipient of a grant to support caregivers and family members caring for a person living with Alzheimer's Disease or related dementias. The funding will be used to pay for eight Dementia Care trainings that results in an 8-hour dementia certification for Maryland residents on how to apply Montessori care principles.
Crossway is one of six non-profits to receive a grant from the Maryland Department of Aging. These grants are part of a larger initiative in Maryland to enhance quality, access, and coordination of dementia care and support to caregivers through strategies outlined in the Maryland State Plan to Address Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias: 2022-2026.
Our courses certify the competency to apply Montessori principles when caring for an older person.
Montessori Home Care Certification: 4-hour program on the essentials of caring for a person aging in place at home. Designed for both professional and family caregivers, this course provides practical skills that enhance communication, dignity, compliance with care requirements, and quality of life.
Montessori Dementia Certification: 8-hour program that provides the knowledge and skills to meet the physical, mental, and psychosocial needs of a person living with Alzheimer’s disease or related dementias. Qualifies for 8 CEUs from Loyola University and NCRTC.
Relationship based, person-center care is the foundation of quality of life. Montessori care techniques advance effective, efficient, safe, supportive and timely caregiving. Learn to:
Observe, engage, and communicate verbally and nonverbally with compassion, dignity and respect.
Conduct meaningful individualized social interventions and activities that enrich life.
Prepare the living environment to support independence, autonomy and psychosocial well-being.
NCMA just completed a 6-month education, training and certification project for "Montessori Dementia Capable Care." This 8 hour course, delivered as 16 30-minute lessons, focused on the essential knowledge and skills to support a person living with dementia to age safely and independently at home. Targeting formal, nonformal and family caregivers, NCMA ran 12 courses over 6 months that trained nearly 300 persons.
Based on the success of the course, NCMA is now adding a "Training of Trainers" component. Consistent with Montessori principles of empowerment, the objective is to embed the capacity for unlimited internal delivery within any long-term care organization. This provides the most flexibility to reach caregivers who are already overburdened and have limited time.
Montessori Dementia Care
Training & Certification: 8 CEUs
$99 per person. Group disounts for 10+, or Training of Trainers for unlimited internal delivery in your organization
By 2025, 130,000 Marylanders will be living with Alzheimer’s disease.
This training empowers caregivers to effectively communicate, motivate, and provide care that improves quality of life.
Learn to address memory loss, challenging behaviors, PTSD and important self care techniques.
We offer a Training of Trainers program that allows unlimited delivery using your own educators.
8-hour training program on Montessori skills.
Includes handouts, exercises & certification.
Qualifies for 8 CEUs from Loyola University and NCTRC
Who Are We?
NCMA is part of Crossway Montessori Communities that includes a Montessori forest school and intergenerational community with apartments and learning spaces for education, training, meetings, and conferences.
We specialize in workforce development to improve the quality of life to help a person safely age in place.
Call or email us today to get our nationally certified dementia training integrated into your organization through our Training of Trainers.
301-929-2502 or NCMA@crossway-community.org